Student Services Resources

UW-Madison is a large campus with many resources available to students, faculty, and staff.

With so many different resources, it can be challenging to navigate eligibility and know where to go for what.

This page provides an extensive list of resources for students, faculty, and instructors.

+Key Dates - Graduate

Key Dates for Spring Semester 2024 – Grad Degrees

Date Description
Dec. 25 Spring Degree Window Period begins*
Jan. 22 Spring Degree Window Period deadline for master’s students*
Jan. 22 Dissertator Eligibility for spring 2024
Jan. 22 Spring Degree Window Period deadline for doctoral students*
Apr. 19 Request for all Master’s and Doctoral Degree Warrants
May 10 Master’s Degree Deadline. Degree candidates must complete all steps.
May 12 Doctoral Degree Deadline. Degree candidates must complete all steps.

Key Dates for Summer Semester 2024 – Grad Degrees

Date Description
May 13 Summer Degree Window Period begins*
Jun. 14 Summer Degree Window Period deadline for master’s students*
Jun. 14 Dissertator Eligibility for summer 2024
Jun. 16 Summer Degree Window Period deadline for doctoral students*
Aug. 2 Request for all Master’s and Doctoral Degree Warrants
Aug. 23 Master’s Degree Deadline. Degree candidates must complete all steps.
Aug. 25 Doctoral Degree Deadline. Degree candidates must complete all steps.

Key Dates for Fall Semester 2024 – Grad Degrees

Date Description
Aug. 26 Fall Degree Window Period begins*
Sep. 3 Fall Degree Window Period deadline*
Sep. 3 Dissertator Eligibility for fall 2024

*Important Note: The “Window Period” is the time between the end of one degree period and the beginning of the next.
You must have been registered for the previous semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer).
If all degree requirements are met by the end of the window period, your degree will be granted for the
following semester. However, you will not have to register or pay fees for the next semester.

+Department Information, Forms, Handbooks, & Other Resources

Please note: The forms listed below are specific to departments in Russell Labs (Entomology, Plant Pathology, Forest & Wildlife Ecology). If you need approval through another department (Ex: enroll in research credits under supervision of a Zoology professor), please contact a representative from that department. 

We recommend using the “Fill and Sign” feature in Adobe Acrobat to fill out PDFs and request electronic signatures. 

For Word docs, right-click the link and choose “Save Link As” from the popup menu.


Program Form Function Document
All undergraduate majors DARS Exception Request 

Request an exception to curricular requirements in Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS). Requests will be routed to the appropriate department curriculum committee. If approved, these changes will be reflected in your degree audit. Contact your academic advisor with any questions. 


All undergraduate majors

Enrollment Hold Release

Remove “Must Consult with CALS Advisor” hold on enrollment


Entomology, B.S. Independent Study Agreement

Set up an agreement with a professor to receive research credits. Follow instructions on the form. 

  Capstone Agreement

Set up a capstone project with an Entomology professor. Form must be submitted to Academic Advising Manager to code into DARS/count towards degree requirements. 


Plant Pathology, B.S.

Plant Pathology Independent Study Agreement 

Set up an agreement with a professor to receive research credits. Follow instructions on the form. 



Capstone Agreement

Set up a capstone project with a Plant Pathology professor. Form must be submitted to Academic Advising Manager to code into DARS/count towards degree requirements.


Wildlife Ecology, B.S.

F&WE Independent Study Agreement 

Set up an agreement with a professor to receive research credits. Follow instructions on the form. 



F&WE Internship Agreement 

Receive credit for internship experience in Wildlife Ecology through F&W ECOL 399. Must have approval from site supervisor and receive grade from F&WE faculty member. 



F&WE Internship Evaluation 

Show progress in internship experience and receive grade in F&W ECOL 399 from F&WE faculty member. 



Wildlife Ecology Course Planning Guide

This guide is designed for Wildlife Ecology majors to assist in planning coursework for future semesters. It is meant to complement information found in the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS), Guide, and Course Search & Enroll tools. Should not be used a substitute for meeting with your academic and faculty advisors.

See advisor for latest version

Forest Science, B.S.

F&WE Independent Study Agreement 

Set up an agreement with a professor to receive research credits. Follow instructions on the form. 



Forest Science Internship Agreement 

Document internship experience and allow access to F&W ECOL 390: Learning to Action – Professional Development OR Independent Study credits. 



Forest Science Course Planning Guide

This guide is designed for Forest Science majors to assist in planning coursework for future semesters. It is meant to complement information found in the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS), Guide, and Course Search & Enroll tools. Should not be used a substitute for meeting with your academic and faculty advisors.

See advisor for latest version


Program Form Function Document
Entomology, M.S.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc
Entomology, Ph.D.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc
Plant Pathology, M.S.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc
Plant Pathology, Ph.D.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc
Wildlife Ecology, M.S.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc
Wildlife Ecology, Ph.D.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc
Forest Science, M.S.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc
Forest Science, Ph.D.

Program of Study Certification 

The “Certification Form”, otherwise known as a Program of Study, is a document signed by your committee certifying that your program of study meets minimum requirements set by the program and that we are documenting the approval of any prior coursework with the UW Graduate School.  

After forming your thesis/dissertation committee, completing this form should be your first milestone of graduate study. It should be completed after you have held your first committee meeting, generally by the end of your first year as a graduate student. Your faculty advisor and committee members are responsible for advising you on program requirements and course selection. 

Word Doc



Program Form Function Document

Plant Pathology, Ph.D.

Annual Progress Report



All graduate programs 

Course Waiver Form



All graduate programs 

External Committee Member Request



Wildlife Ecology, Ph.D.

Qualifying Exam



All graduate programs 

Warrant Request 

Request warrants (MS, prelim, or final PhD). Try to do this a minimum of 4 weeks before your defense date! 




+Sortable List of Resources


  • Click the column header to resort the table. 
  • Use Control+f to search.  (⌘+f on the Mac)
  • Narrow down the results based on these filters: (optional)
+New Student Information

Graduate Students

Welcome New Graduate Students!

For a complete list of program requirements, please review the Handbooks and Forms for your department listed in the Department Information, Forms, Handbooks, & Other Resources accordion panel above.

Additional Information:


  • General questions: contact your assigned faculty advisor (if you don’t know who this is, look in your student center) or the major chair.
  • Issues with advising holds or need authorization for independent study: contact the Department Administrator.