Who Does What in the Hub
Abbreviations: (P) = Primary (B) = Backup Tips: – To sort the table, click the column heading. |
Notes: – This list is not all-inclusive, but it covers the majority of requests. – For emergencies, contact the Building Manager or UW Safety – For non-emergencies, use the Facilities request form to place Facilities service requests. – Computing and web tasks are listed on the Information Technology page. They also handle projectors not working in classrooms or conference rooms. |
Task | Area - links to area homepage w/contact info except Self Serve) | Contacts/Additional Info |
Academic policy advisement, university and college, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Admissions processing, applicant review (graduate) | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Advising, graduate | Student Services | Emily Laabs; Faculty advisor and Committee |
Advising, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Advisor Note System, maintaining notes on undergraduate students | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Airfare, hotel reservations for guests (non-employees) | Administration | Elizabeth Burkhalter (Ento, PP); Carolyn Rindahl (FWE) |
Airfare, hotel reservations for UW employees | Self Serve | Self-serve; host PI/Dept, or individuals. Concur System If questions arise with reservations, contact Amber |
Benefits eligibility, enrollment and consulting | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Building and facilities management | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Budget management | Grants | Self-serve through WISER or meeting with Finance staff |
Cancel courses | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Capstone agreements, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Career counseling, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Compliance, employee | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Compliance, grants | Grants | Laurie Luther; Mariah Allen |
Conference room reservations | Self Serve | View conference room calendars here. Book conference rooms with Outlook 365 or Outlook. |
Copying - how to use the copier | Russell Labs IT | IT Staff How-to: Scanning to and from USB/Flash Drive |
Copying - making copies | Self Serve | Self-serve |
Cost Share | Financial Services | Pre-Award: Mariah Allen (FWE); Laurie Luther (Ento, PP); Post-Award: Alyson Amenda |
Courier services/shipping | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Course attributes, assigning | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Course evaluations, executing (AEFIS) | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Course waitlists, managing | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Curriculum management, graduate | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Curriculum management, undergraduate (covers Guide editing, course proposals, program changes) | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
DARS evaluations, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth Includes advising students on time to degree completion, and coordinating exceptions to curriculum in consultation with program faculty |
Tuition payments - via department or 3rd party | Financial Services | Alyson Amenda |
Deposits, cash and check (to 136 accounts) | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Deposits, gift check (to UW Foundation and 233 accounts) | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Direct Payments (DPs) | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Driver authorizations, State vehicle | Campus Business Services - More Info | |
ECC and ECRT effort (on-line work effort reporting) | Alyson Amenda | |
Email lists for departments, subscriptions | Russell Labs IT | IT Staff |
Employee conflict, health/wellness, trainings and compliance | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Employee funding | HR/Payroll | Financial Services Staff, Alyson Amenda, Elyce Rodrigues |
Employment information and consulting | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Employment termination | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Events - in Advance of scheduling | Financial Services | |
Expense reimbursement policy and approvals | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Faculty/academic staff leave reporting and requests | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Fee for service account requests (136 accounts) | Financial Services | Amber Oberdeck; Elyce Rodrigues |
Fellowships (Graduate) - includes WDGF and SciMed GRS | Student Services | Emily Laabs; Alyson Amenda; Margaret Webster |
Fleet vehicles - funding | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Fleet vehicles - general info and reservations | Self Serve | Self-serve: Fleet car information Fleet car online reservation system (UW and DOA Fleets are now combined in a single reservation system) |
Funding, employee | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Gift check deposits (to UW Foundation and 233 accounts) | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Grad student employment | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu ; Emily Laabs |
Grants - post-award: - accounting - expense review - monitoring, reporting and closeout - no-cost extensions - re-budget - subcontracts |
Alyson Amenda | |
Grants - pre-award: - proposal assistance and review - Grants.gov proposal submissions - proposal budget review |
Grants | Laurie Luther – Plant Path, Entomology customers Mariah Allen – FWE customers |
Growth chambers | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Handbooks and forms for academic programs (Graduate) | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Health/wellness, employee | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Hire requests, student hourly and TE | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Independent Study Agreements, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Instagram account, Russell Labs, maintain | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Instrument shop | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Internship placements, Forest Science, tracking and reporting | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Keys | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Leave reporting and requests, faculty/academic staff | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Lost and Found | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Mail, mailroom | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Major declaration, single and double, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth Includes declaring new students in the major and advising on time to degree completion |
Milestones, track student milestones and progress towards degree (Graduate) | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Name plates for doors | Facilities & Instrumentation | Submit service request via Facilities form. |
No Cost Extension (NCE) and re-budget requests (Post-Award) | Financial Services | |
Online course updates (Undergraduate and Graduate) | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Order office supplies | Self Serve | Self-serve; staff can order their own office supplies via ShopUW+. |
Packages, receiving in Russell Labs, shipping from Russell Labs | Facilities & Instrumentation | Tim Lorenz |
Parking permits, renewal - Dept of Lab vehicle | Administration | Administrative Assistant |
Payment to Individual Reports (PIRs) | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Photocopying - copier use and questions | Russell Labs IT | IT Staff How-to: Scanning to and from USB/Flash Drive |
Photocopying - making copies | Self Serve | Self-serve |
Printer, office or lab - paper | Russell Labs IT | IT Staff |
Printer, office or lab - toner - ordering, installing | Self Serve | Order through ShopUW+. Russell IT only handles toner for the shared Sharp color copier/printers. |
Program Certification/Program of Study - Graduate | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Purchasing card applications and management | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Qualifying exams | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Recruitment (Employee) | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Recruitment (Graduate) | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Registration, conference | Self Serve | Self-serve; use pcard or e-reimbursement. |
Reimbursement, travel expense, procedures and approvals | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Remission, tuition | HR/Payroll | Emily Laabs |
Requisitions, purchase orders (>$5000) | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Reservations, classroom | Administration | Elizabeth Burkhalter; Allee Hochmuth (backup) |
Reservations, conference room | Self Serve | View conference room calendars here. Book conference rooms with Outlook 365 or Outlook. |
Schedule of classes (FKA Timetable) | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Scholarship nomination process, undergraduate, assistance | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
ShopUW+ | Self Serve/Financial Services | Self-serve; staff can order their own office supplies per PI approval with funding source via ShopUW+, and will need to route for approval from Financial Services Staff |
SOAR activity management | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth Includes evaluating Advanced Placement scores, transferring credit equivalencies, advising students on appropriate First-year Interest Groups (FIGS) and liaising with appropriate campus offices as necessary (Registrar's Office, International Student and Scholars Services, CALS Academic Affairs, etc.) |
Student employment, Grad | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Student employment, Undergrad | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Student enrollment permissions, graduate | Student Services | Emily Laabs |
Student enrollment permissions, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Student hourly and TE hire requests | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Student Information System (SIS) updates | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Student recruitment, undergraduate | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth Includes participate in campus recruitment events |
Supplies, order office supplies (Hub only) | Self Serve | Self-serve; staff can order their own office supplies via ShopUW+ and will need approval from Alyson. |
Telephone lines (VoIP setup) | Russell Labs IT | IT Staff |
Timesheet entry and approval issues | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Timetable | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Trainings, employee | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
Travel expense reimbursement procedures and approvals | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff |
Tuition payments - via department or 3rd party | Alyson Amenda | |
Tuition remission | HR/Payroll | Emily Laabs |
Undergraduate advising | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Undergraduate curriculum | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Undergradute listserves, manage | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Vehicles, department | Facilities & Instrumentation | Facilities and Instrumentation Staff |
Vehicles, fleet - funding | Financial Services | Financial Services Staff Margaret Webster |
Vehicles, fleet - general info and reservations | Self Serve | Self-serve: Fleet car information Fleet car online reservation system (UW and DOA Fleets are now combined in a single reservation system) |
Visa application processing and consulting | HR/Payroll | hr@russell.wisc.edu |
VoIP lines | Russell Labs IT | IT Staff |
Waitlists, managing | Student Services | Allee Hochmuth |
Warrants, graduate students | Student Services | Emily Laabs |