Faculty and Staff Handbook
- CALS Administration/Leadership
- UW-Madison Employment Categories
- Faculty – UW Definition
- Academic Staff – UW Definition
- Advisory Boards
- Department Committees: Entomology F&WE Plant Path
- Executive Committee
- Faculty/Staff Meetings
- Meeting Procedures
- Meeting Minutes
- Faculty Senate
- Faculty Legislation – Policies & Procedures
- Review of Probationary Appointments
- Tenure at UW–Madison:
- Post-Promotion Review:
- Annual Faculty Activities Review – UW-Madison Policy
- Five-Year Post Tenure Review – UW-Madison Policy
- Faculty Networking Lunch Series
- Campus Awards and Lectures
- Faculty Sabbatical Leave Program
- Inclement Weather Guidelines
- OHR Employee Policies & Procedures
- Academic Staff Policies & Procedures
- University Staff Policies & Procedures
- Office of Postdoctoral Studies
- International Faculty & Staff Services
- Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) at CALS
- Governance:
– Academic Staff Assembly
– University Staff Congress - Performance Reviews, Promotion, & Job Security
- Inclement Weather Guidelines
Department-specific Faculty Information
Faculty Orientation Materials
- New Faculty Welcome Packet – includes:
- New Faculty Checklist – Tasks To Do Before Your First Day
- New Faculty Welcome Guides – Part I – Technology Guide, Part II – About Russell Labs
- New Faculty Quick Start Guide for First Day
- For access to these materials, please contact the Department Administrator
- New Faculty Resources – Links page
- Campus New Faculty Welcome
- Mentoring Program
- Women, Trans, & Non-Binary Faculty Mentoring Program
Department Mission/Visions
Department Diversity Statements
Space in Russell Labs
Space in CALS
Training and Professional Development
Title and Total Compensation (TTC)
Performance Management
- PMDP Performance Management:
About | Login (requires netID) - UW–Madison Performance Management Policy
- Performance Evaluation Guides:
- Probation Evaluations:
CALS and Campus Policy Databases
- CALS and Campus offer self-service to people at the department level only via the policy databases.
- CALS and departments may have slightly different versions of a policy.
- Check with the Hub staff person assigned to your department if you have questions.
Campus Policy Databases:
CALS Policy Databases:
Conduct-Related Policies
- Entomology Code of Conduct
- Plant Pathology Code of Conduct
- Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Policy
- Child Abuse Mandatory Reporting Guidelines
- Code of Ethics Policy
- Consensual Relationship Policy
- Criminal Background Checks
- Drug Free Schools & Communities Act
- Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy – Campus
- Hostile and Intimidating Behavior
- Nepotism
- Political Activities
- Sexual Harassment
Research-Related Policies
Workplace Challenges and Conflicts
If you are faced a difficult situation that is affecting your work, health, or family, please realize that as part of the UW-Madison community, you have resources to help you manage nearly any concern. Many workplace issues can be resolved by working with your department chair, but some issues require more problem-solving. You can get expert, practical advice on how to utilize campus resources, or ask for a consultation if you need impartial help thinking through a problem.
Hub HR and Student Services staff are also available as a resource and for consultation.
Ombuds Office
Phone (608) 265-9992
Confidential, impartial, alternative resource. providing an opportunity for all employees to explore concerns arising in the workplace, along with potential options, resources, and strategies. Ombuds are a team of retired faculty and staff with extensive on-campus experience who can be an excellent source for an off-the-record consultation.
Read more:
- Listen carefully and impartially
- Provide information, feedback and perspective
- Assist with early problem-solving, to minimize the escalation of conflict
- Work independently from university administration
Employee Assistance (EAO)
Phone (608) 263-2987
Provides confidential consultation for faculty and staff experiencing difficulties with communication and conflict in the workplace. The EAO counselors are trained in assessing workplace conflict and in assisting supervisors, directors, chairs and deans with coaching for difficult conversations.
- Respect in the workplace
- Stress management
- Change
- Conflict resolution
- Fostering a positive work environment
Employee Assistance (EAO)
Phone (608) 263-2987
Provides confidential counseling for personal issues to assist faculty and staff with maintaining and enhancing both their personal and professional lives.
- Relationship difficulties
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Work/life balance
Additional Resources
- 24/7 access to counselors – LifeMatters
- In immediate crisis?
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255
- Crisis Text Line – Text 741741
- Call 911 for other life-threatening emergencies.
Discrimination is conduct that adversely affects any aspect of an individual’s employment, education, or participation in an institution’s activities or programs, or has the effect of denying equal privileges or treatment to an individual on the basis of one more characteristics of that individual’s protected status or category as defined herein.
Contact the Office of Compliance if you have concerns about discrimination, have questions about the rights of individuals under the law and university procedures, or wish to file a discrimination complaint.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome comments, jokes, pictures or remarks, questions, whether oral, in writing or sent via e-mail that are sexual in nature or content. Making obscene or lewd remarks or gestures can also be sexual harassment. This kind of conduct is improper even if there is no intent or purpose to offend someone. This conduct should not occur in the workplace.
Timely discussion of your concerns may allow resolution before alternatives become limited. The university will protect confidentiality to the extent possible under the law. If you feel you’ve been harassed:
- Seek advice. Consult your supervisor, manager, HR representative, department chair, director, dean, or any campus resource to discuss options for resolution.
- You may choose to seek informal resolution or file a sexual harassment complaint.
- You may find it helpful to seek support from a trusted colleague. Be aware of your interest in keeping the matter as confidential as possible.
- Keep notes of what happened, when, where, and who was present. Retain copies of any correspondence.
- Consider informing the individual(s) involved that the conduct is unwelcome and that you expect it to stop.
Unwelcome behavior pervasive or severe enough that a reasonable person would find it hostile and/or intimidating and that does not further the University’s academic or operational interests is unacceptable to the extent that it makes the conditions for work inhospitable and impairs another person’s ability to carry out his/her responsibilities to the university. A person or a group can perpetrate this behavior. The person need not be more senior than or a supervisor to the target.
The Office of Workforce Relations
Phone 608-265-2257
Provides information and support based on University policy and practice, and assists individuals when considering the best course of action for their specific situation.
Conflict Resolution – assist in resolving problems and conflicts before they escalate to formal grievances or corrective action.
Corrective Action Administration – serve as objective consultants to divisions regarding the elements of just cause and due process in determining potential corrective action.
Grievance/Appeals – serve as objective hearing officers in matters involving employee grievances and represent management in appeals before various tribunals.
Investigations – assist divisions in conducting objective and thorough investigations. Team members conduct objective and thorough investigations of employee complaints and grievances.
Layoffs and Non-Renewals – Provide guidance to managers and human resource professionals regarding the University policies and practices surrounding layoffs and non-renewals.
Leave – provide guidance to the university regarding compliance with applicable leave policies including sick leave, Federal and Wisconsin Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA/WFMLA), leaves without pay and other university, federal, state and local leave laws.
Performance Management – assist managers and human resource professionals in establishing performance expectations and accountability to ensure productive employees and work environments.
Policy Interpretation – provide guidance on and development of university policies and procedures.
Office of Student Assistance and Support (formerly Dean of Students Office)
Student of concern (information and file a report)
University Health Services provides mental health counseling, including coping with tragedies and traumatic events and critical incident stress
Ombuds Office
Phone (608) 265-9992
Confidential, impartial, alternative resource. providing an opportunity for all employees to explore concerns arising in the workplace, along with potential options, resources, and strategies. Ombuds are a team of retired faculty and staff with extensive on-campus experience who can be an excellent source for an off-the-record consultation.
- Listen carefully and impartially
- Provide information, feedback and perspective
- Assist with early problem-solving, to minimize the escalation of conflict
- Work independently from university administration
- HR courses on managing conflict
- Diversity training:
- Other training:
Thanks to the School of Pharmacy for inspiring the layout and providing some of the links on this page.