FWE News Item Submission Form Please share your news, including recent/upcoming publications, grants, or awards; interesting stories about teaching, outreach, research, or travel, career milestones; post-graduation pursuits; etc. We may use your news items in the F&WE's Newsletter, on the Department website, or social media accounts, and/or share it with an external media relations (e.g., CALS News, UW News, WPR, etc.). All submissions are welcome and every attempt possible will be made to get your news items published in your preferred outlet (although, this is not guaranteed). Please ensure accuracy of your submitted details. Some editing may occur to meet formatting and word-count limitations. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Type of News Item - (select the option that best describes your submission) Announcement News story Social media Outreach News Item Type Descriptions: Type Description> Announcements General information relevant to F&WE (e.g., awards, career promotions, publications,* upcoming events, etc.). News story General information relevant to F&WE (e.g., awards, career promotions, publications,* upcoming events, etc.). Social media Shareable content* for F&WE social media posts (Twitter and/or Facebook). Outreach Article, video, podcast where you and/or a colleague spoke with an external media outlet or community organization. *Moratoria on results and conclusions will be strictly observed when applicable. Please indicate if a moratorium is needed concerning your submission, including the release date for when the moratorium may be lifted. Is a moratorium required?(Required) No Yes If yes, what is the release date for when the moratorium may be lifted? Month Day Year Headline or Story Title Idea(Required) Additional Information(Required)Preferred OutletUpload Documents and/or ImagesMax. file size: 24 MB.Important: If your photo includes people other than you, you must complete and upload a signed release form for each person in the photo. You can view and download the release form here.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ